Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, August 31, 2023
Stand by Mary’s Side, Obedient to the Divine Laws
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of August 29, 2023

Prepare your temples! Purify your hearts! Stand in adoration to Me your God Love, keep firm faith in Me. Follow My Footsteps, set your steps in My Footsteps, turn back no more ... be your hearts adoring to Jesus Crucified, plead for His Mercy. Terrible times are about to come on Earth: only those who will have clung to Me with all their strength will be able to overcome the hard trials.
Pray the Holy Rosary, ask the Blessed Virgin to join Her Hands to yours: She will plead with you for Her Son to strengthen you. Stand by Mary's side, obedient to the Divine Laws in order to defeat the enemy. Do not be afraid to surrender yourselves to Me your Savior, let Me carry you on My Arms, ...only I Am!!! My beloved ones, it is the Father who speaks to you,
open your hearts to Me, do not disappoint Me! The battle is hard, but those who will have given themselves to Me in body and soul, I will save them together with those who will present them to Me. I see your heart plagued by suffering: offer it to Me, this will bring salvation to those you love! Children are God's gift: love them, care for them and pray for them. The adversary is strong, but you have been given the weapons of Heaven for battle! Use the sacramentals, be in unceasing prayer: silence, adoration and prostration before the Crucifix! Jesus awaits you at the foot of His Cross, from the height of this Cross He looks at you with infinite love. Love Him who gave His own life to save you, ...
today it is your turn: offer yourselves for the salvation of your beloved ones.
Jesus cries out His sorrow for this Humanity lost in the lure of the Devil:
Mercy, mercy on you My children! Oh you who believe in man and science, you who have created idols for yourselves on Earth, ... have mercy on you, for you will not get out of this infernal trap alive. Let Heaven guide you. My children, pray for My prophets and support them.
My Work will triumph only if you stand united, you are all responsible, work together for the triumph of this Salvific Project. Love me and love your brothers and sisters.
I love you!
I bless you, your families and your homes.
I urge you to daily spiritual communion.
God Save!
Source: ➥